Serving Whitman County since 1877

Doesn't understand

Garth Meyer, in your editorial ("Heads and Tails"), you must be a Republican who doesn't understand what non-Republicans intensely dislike about President Trump. I'll clue you in on some major complaints: His sordid behavior towards women (grabbing their genitalia at will and barging in on naked beauty contestants), using high office for personal gains (Chinese government's grant of $500 million for Trump's Indonesia resort in exchange for Trump granting Chinese manufacturer ZTG U.S. made parts), his numerous lies ("I will give Americans better and cheaper health care, no one will lose coverage"), most Americans who voted preferred his opponent (Clinton won millions more votes than Trump, but he ended up in the White House), Trump's embracing racists and stoking their violent actions (Charlottesville), not to mention blaming immigrants for all sorts of horrors (scapegoating), his embrace of tyrants around the world (Putin - Russia, Erdogan - Turkey, Duterte - Philippines, the Saudi Arabia regime), his failing to "drain the swamp” and in fact adding to the swamp by installing industry lobbyists into the very agencies that regulate those same industries (fox guarding the hen house).

All this, with the total support of the Republican controlled Congress and the Republican controlled Supreme Court.

--Mark Olson, Seattle


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