Serving Whitman County since 1877

Corps commander makes visit to three area dams

At the Port of Whitman County meeting Thursday, commissioners discussed a recent visit paid by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers commanding general, Todd T. Semonite, to local Snake River dams. Gen. Semonite, who began serving with the corps about a year ago, came from Washington, D.C., to visit Ice Harbor, Lower Granite and Dworshak dams May 15 with members of the Pacific Northwest Waterways Association.

“This is very unique,” Port Commissioner Tom Kammerzell said. “It was excellent that, being a new general with the Army Corps of Engineers, he took an interest in what he’s in charge of.”

According to Kammerzell, the visit illustrated to Semonite the unique hydro systems in the region and the benefits they provide to the community.

“I think he realized the importance of [the dams] to our area and the nation for the economy, for food security – all of the above,” Kammerzell said. “I think he was very impressed.”

Following Thursday’s meeting, members of the Port visited Boyer Park and Marina to assess recent improvements. The Boyer facility has seen a rash of improvements since a new concessionaire and management team took control in March.

“For the most part, I think the Port is very happy with the progress,” said Properties and Development Manager Debbie Snell, who commended the site’s new layout, landscaping and food options. “I think this makes it much more welcoming.”

Steven Klontz, president of Seven K’s Enterprises, reached an agreement with the Port on March 22 to operate Boyer and add a KOA franchise. Klontz said his goal was to provide excellent customer service and clean facilities, as well as to bring more family-friendly food options to the restaurant.

“The building itself looks great,” Snell said. “And I think [visitors] will enjoy the predictability of the KOA system.”


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