Serving Whitman County since 1877

Blue Ribbon Committee awards funding

Leslee Miller of the Uniontown Community Development Association makes a case in front of the Blue Ribbon Advisory Task Committee April 17 in Colfax.

The committee, after hearing pitches from various community representatives, recommended five projects to receive funding from the .09 program for 2018.

They are as follows; $28,000 for the City of Tekoa, for the next stage of improving its community center; $30,000 for the Town of Uniontown for improvements to the community building; $9,000 for the Whitman County Library for Ice Age Exhibit in LaCrosse; $5,000 for the City of Pullman for downtown improvements, and $26,530 for the City of Palouse for south riverbank enhancement.

The County Commissioners will make the final decision May 7.


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