Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters March 2

I can't believe what I am seeing these days. I never would have imagined it just a few years ago. In the news, we see pictures of women dressed in vagina costumes with what they call "pussy" hats, claiming they are demonstrating for women's values, family values, and American values. Really?

Then there are the pictures from Berkeley of protesters with "stop the hate" signs; cheering while fellow demonstrators smash in the windows of a Starbucks store. Are you kidding me?

I read where the same people who throw out the "Hitler" epithet are also on record with vicious, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel rants.

I don't understand people who claim to be appalled by the history of colonialism-where powerful nations skimmed the natural resources of weaker countries under the guise of compassion (bringing civilization to the under developed nations)-yet they claim the same mantle of compassion when they support open border policies that "skim" the best of human resources from the same under-developed nations.

How can infanticide for the convenience of the lifestyle of the mother, now be called "reproductive choice"? We are all for reproductive choice. When someone doesn't have a choice, we call that "rape". There should be stronger protections against rape. We are not third graders here-we all know what choice results in babies. We are only debating the timing of the choice.

How can college students demand “safe spaces" free from offensive speech, while other Americans of the same age are shedding blood on foreign soil so oppressed peoples can speak freely?

I can't understand those that claim they believe in "tolerance" but are boiling with rage and openly fantasizing assassination of their political opponents. That is real hate.

What doesn't surprise me however; the answer is not found in any political agenda. It is found in some of the oldest and most enduring of "wisdom literature". The location of the real answer? 2 Chronicles 7:14! Let me quote, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins, and will heal their land."

Travis Brock,



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