Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letters Oct. 20

Backs Pakootas

The ballots will shortly be in the mail, and kindly cast your vote for Joe Pakootas for the U.S. Congress, House of Representatives.

Joe is a true leader. He managed the bankrupt Colville Confederated Tribes as a new CEO and created a $10,000,000 turnaround in a short time. Joe is not a poser as our currently “do Nothing but Pose” representative does.

Joe Pakootas desires to rebuild our nation’s crumbling infrastructure and create greater opportunities for our agriculture industry. He will fight to strengthen Medicare and Veteran’s Benefits. The number of homeless veterans who reside in our congressional district appalls him.

He is running for Congress because he believes women, minorities and middle class Americans need a voice in Congress.

Please join me and vote for Joe Pakootas for Congress.

Donald C. Orlich, Pullman


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