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Palouse speeds in question

Palouse Mayor Michael Echanove is looking into requests for speed changes on the two state highways entering town.

With requests to reduce the speed limit on Highway 27 toward Pullman and Highway 272 toward Potlatch, Echanove is trying to find out what the city's jurisdiction is.

“I need to do my investigative work,” the mayor said.

A change on Highway 27 at the south edge of Palouse has been denied by Washington State Department of Transportation.

A 45-mile per hour segment changes to 55 at milepost 14.57. Following an inquiry from Palouse residents John and Chris Bofenkamp, WSDOT performed a radar-gun speed study in September.

The study revealed that cars were traveling the posted speed.

“The speed is appropriate for that area,” said Al Gilson, spokesperson for WSDOT. “We have no intent on changing that speed limit.”

Now Echanove looks to find out if the city has any say in the matter.

The request on Highway 272, which was brought to the mayor's attention by resident Tony Wright at a city council meeting, is yet to be studied.

“I think the directive I find out for the other will be applicable to this one,” Echanove said.

Author Bio

Garth Meyer, Former reporter

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Garth Meyer is a former Whitman County Gazette reporter.


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