Serving Whitman County since 1877

Multiflora Park trees to be removed


Endicott Community Club met and decided to have some trees cut down in Multiflora Park. The trees are diseased and need to be removed.

Cleanup Endicott will be Sept. 23 and 24. A large dumpster will be available for use of the town.

The wine tasting event usually held the first Saturday in October has been postponed until after the first of the new year due to scheduling. Committees have been assigned for the German Dinner which will be Nov. 6.

Endicott school Principal Bruce Porubeck attended the meeting and announced that Veteran's Day and Grandparent's Day will be combined early in November. Notices will be posted around town before that date.

Bob Huff, Sharon Huff's son, visited her the last week of August. They did some visiting with family and friends.

The annual corn party was last Friday at the home of Sue Bafus. Those attending were Fran Cutler, Myrna Morasch, Pat Byers, Sue Bafus, Tom Hardy, Pat and Daryl Kleweno, Louise Owen, Sharon Huff, Floyd and Birdie Honn, Frank and Jerine Gray, Dave and Gail Bilow, Leroy and Lorena Mattley, Vince Stolmeyer, Bill Hughes, John and Kathy Schlomer, Georgia and Dave Wells, Dave Wingo, Steve and Lorraine Salzman and Willy and Anne Lowe. The weather was wonderful, and the group enjoyed a lot of great corn raised by Sharon Huff.

Parent Teacher Organization has scheduled a carnival at the school Oct. 29.


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