Serving Whitman County since 1877

LaCrosse Goodwill drive successful

--photo Kathleen Parker

A Goodwill truck was in LaCrosse Sept. 9-11 to benefit the LaCrosse Community Outreach and Food Bank. The truck was full after the three-day event. The outreach and food bank will receive $200 for the first 500 pounds of donations and 10 cents for every pound after that.

A Goodwill truck was parked in LaCrosse for three days last weekend, and the donation drive with it has been reported as successful.

“We filled the truck," Charlotte Honn with LaCrosse Community Outreach and Food Bank reported.

The outreach will be paid by Goodwill Industries by the pound for donations collected during the three-day period.

“We will get $200 for the first 500 pounds, and 10 cents per pound after that,” said Honn.

Honn said she is not sure of the actual weight of the items yet, as the donations were just hauled away Monday, but she knows they exceeded 500 pounds.

Honn commented that the truck was so full that only a few bags of clothes would have fit in the corner of it by the time it came to haul it away.

“That's all that would have fit,” she said.

The money received will go to benefit the outreach and food bank.

“We're going to put a new roof on our Community Outreach center. The roof will be on the house there,” said Honn.

The food bank is in a separate building, and the money will be divided between the outreach and food bank. Honn said it has not been decided exactly how it will be split up. She said she is appreciative of the community's support in this drive.

“We had a great response from the community for it,” she said. “I'd like to thank everyone who donated.”


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