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Arts council calls again for crack art

Emily Adams painted the “Trapped Family Singers” design on utility poles behind The Courtyard building as part of the Colfax crack art program. The council is seeking more designs and artists.

The Colfax Arts Council is ready to get going with crack art.

“Kids are back in a school, and we’re hoping that people will be able to participate more going into fall,” said Sara Golden, who heads up the project. “It’s not too hot to be outside working now.”

Golden said the council wants to establish crack art as an ongoing project.

“We want it to where it’s never finished, but constantly adding,” she said. “It will be a seasonal thing. Eventually we’d love to have enough to do a scavenger hunt at a First Thursday or at Concrete River Festival.”

Two crack art designs have been completed by Emily Adams, a council member. The first design is below the window of the Gazette office, and the second is at the back of the Courtyard.

Golden said designs must be submitted and approved through to the council.

“There’s apparently a fine line between graffiti and crack art,” she said. “It has to run through the council to make sure it’s appropriate art.”

Individuals must also be a council member to participate because of the lines between graffiti and crack art. It is $25 for a basic membership. Applications are available online, at Golden’s First Thursday booth, at Abundant Faith Studio and at the library. projects


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