Serving Whitman County since 1877

'In really bad shape': County seeks priority for Steptoe Butte road

-Art Swannack photos

The road leading to the top of Steptoe Butte is filled with potholes, as seen here. The county wants to see the road put on the state’s priority list for improvement.

Two potholes take up a large portion of the Steptoe Butte road. Potholes occur every few feet on the road.

Whitman County Commissioner Art Swannack paid a visit to Steptoe Butte State Park earlier this week, and he was surprised by what he saw there.

“That road is in really bad shape,” he said. “A lot worse than I thought.”

The road leading up to the butte is covered in potholes, big and small.

The commissioners Monday voted unanimously to send a letter to the state park's department, requesting the department to put the road on its priority project list.

“It was not on their list of top 100 projects,” said Swannack. “I expected that to be on that capital project list.”

The commissioners said they have received complaints via the Pullman Chamber of Commerce from visitors to the state park about the condition of the road.

State Senator Mark Schoesler, R-Ritzville, said he has been concerned about the road for some time.

“I've had concerns from constituents in Whitman County that access to one of the great treasures in the Palouse is in danger,” he said. “If the road gets any worse, our ability to show off the Palouse is jeopardized.”

Sen. Schoesler said Steptoe Butte provides great opportunities for both locals and tourists.

“Improving access to Steptoe Butte is really good for Whitman County and the Palouse in general,” he said. “I'm very happy the commissioners are joining in supporting this.”

He added that people of all ages can enjoy Steptoe Butte for various activities, which have included artists, photographers and hang gliders, among others. The butte offers a low-impact scenic activity, as people can drive to the top.

“If you want to abuse yourself, you can run or bike up it,” said Schoesler.

Schoesler cited success in re-opening Lyons Ferry State Park with the support of officials and residents.

“It's important to have support of local officials in maintaining our resources,” he said. “Knowing that there's strong local support is important.”

The letter from the Board of County Commissioners will go to the state parks department this week.


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