Serving Whitman County since 1877

Rosalia ballot measures pass

All four ballot measures passed in Rosalia when votes were tabulated Tuesday night.

Ballots were mailed to 795 voters, and 224 ballots were counted as of first count for a 28.18 percent return. An estimated 70 ballots remained to be counted, and three ballots went to the canvassing board due to signature issues, Elections Supervisor Debbie Hooper said.

The proposal for the annexation of the town fire department into Whitman County Rural Fire District 7 needed to pass by just one vote in the town and in the district. For the town, the measure passed with a 77 percent favorable vote at 112-34. For the district, the measure passed with 78 percent in favor at 47-13.

Also on the ballot was a Rosalia town street levy in the amount of $69,000 for one year. This levy passed at 65 percent with 95 yes votes and 52 no votes.

The final measure asked park district voters to approve a $60,000 maintenance and operation levy for collection in 2017. This measure garnered 69 percent at 153-68.

The final count of ballots is set for May 6 at 12 p.m., when the election will also be certified.


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