Serving Whitman County since 1877


Hispanic Heritage

I wish to add my own thoughts and experiences to the recent heartfelt letter by Lionor Galindo in regards to National Hispanic Heritage Month. Even though the Hispanic community in the Palouse is rather minimal, it is large and well established in central Washington.

In the 45 years I have resided in a semi-rural county here in Texas, the Hispanic population has grown immensely. That has brought great changes, almost all positive, to our community. Economically the area has prospered. We have a vibrant labor force, made possible largely by the many Latinos with great labor skills and work ethic. They have an entrepreneurial spirit that has fostered many new small businesses. Their relatively young age enlivens what might otherwise be an aging community.

However, I am most inspired by the modeling of the values of faith and family. I see mothers who walk their children to the neighborhood school or are at the bus stop to greet them with a hug and a kiss. I see small children sitting with their parents in church where they learn reverence and devotion to God. A distraught child is usually calmed by a mother or (and yes) a father holding and caressing the child. Even though many of these families are of limited economic means, new infants are welcomed with joy as precious treasures.

At a time in our country when the basic concept of family is being challenged, I see beautiful examples of fidelity and family life among our Hispanic immigrant population. Just as with so many other immigrant groups of the past and present, all Americans should celebrate and give thanks to God for the blessings and contributions made by Latinos in the United States.

Larry Hickman,

Waller, Texas


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