Serving Whitman County since 1877

Port approves pancake dough

Port of Whitman County commissioners last Thursday approved a $400 budget for a pancake breakfast June 27 at the Colfax Airport, now the port’s Business Air Center. The breakfast from 8 to 10 a.m. will be part of a fly-in sponsored by the Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) chapter in Lewiston. The Rotary Club of Colfax will serve the pancake, egg and sausage breakfast.

The breakfast price will be $8, but admission to the fly-in is free.

“In the past we’ve supported this event because it supports our airport,” Port Commissioner Tom Kammerzell of Colfax explained. The Port paid $350 to the breakfast in 2014.

Eighteen airplanes and two helicopters flew in for the breakfast in 2014, the first year of the fly-in for this area. An estimated 150 visitors attended.

Event coordinator Barney Buckley said new participants are scheduled to appear this year. He also said there is one helicopter scheduled, and he is unsure of the exact number of airplanes.

“If the weather’s good, we could easily increase that plane count,” he said.

In a letter to the Port of Whitman County, Buckley said “interest from the pilot community and the public is higher this year.”

The Port of Whitman County will have an informational display at the event to highlight airport improvements made recently, in addition to upcoming projects.

The Experimental Aircraft Association, Washington Pilots Association, International Flying Farmers, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and the Civil Air Patrol also plan to have displays.

Interstate Aviation will offer airplane rides to tour the Palouse area for a small fee, and the Civil Air Patrol will offer a flight simulator and display.

The Colfax Fire Department will also be on hand to show off antique ambulance and fire trucks.

Awards will also be given to the oldest and youngest pilots as well as the pilot who flew the greatest distance to make the event.

Other awards and trophies will be awarded. The awards ceremony will begin at 10:30 a.m.

Buckley hopes to make the event an annual tradition for the area.

“I like pancakes; I say you vote yes,” Port Executive Director Joe Poiré advised before the official vote.


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