Serving Whitman County since 1877


Trail potential

Last week Publisher Gordon Forgey wrote an editorial cheering on the small towns of Palouse and LaCrosse to aspire to stem the tide of shrinking commercial activity and renew their communities. Grow on an existing base, establish a common commitment and belief in what is possible, support what the community already has to grow new ventures and projects. All good advice.

I would add, if the shoe fits, wear it. Colfax should consider trying this advice on for size.

The rail line between Colfax and Pullman offers a unique asset to the community even if trains stop running, which seems to be the case. The corridor right-of-way is there and it is already owned in common by the state (we, the people.) It would make a valuable recreational trail until such time rail service is needed again.

This section would tie into an existing regional trail network and the economic benefits of an uninterrupted trail from Colfax to Troy and beyond would be substantial as new tourists are drawn to our region and familiar visitors and community members explore further. There are sound economic reasons why trail systems are gaining popularity across the nation besides the fact that for whatever varying reasons, people simply love them.

Cost is a significant concern, of course, but the neighbors to the east have done it and say not only is it possible, but it is well worth it.

Richard Wesson,



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