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Voter forums set next week LWV to host forums in Colfax and Pullman

Voter forums sponsored by the League of Women Voters will be Tuesday, Oct. 21, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Colfax Branch of Whitman County Library and Wednesday, Oct. 22, from 7 to 9 p.m. at Umpqua Bank in Pullman.

Incumbents and challengers are expected to attend; Assessor Joe Reynolds and challenger Jim Hawkes of Pullman, and Sheriff Brett Myers and challenger Adam Assenberg of Colfax.

The ballot measures which will be discussed by advocates and opponents are Initiative 591 which concerns firearms, Initiative 594 which deals with background checks for firearm sales and Initiative 1351 which deals with classroom size.

To view the voter’s pamphlet online visit the Secretary of State’s website at The printed pamphlets are expected to arrive at residences before the forum.

The forums will be videotaped for later replay on the League of Women Voter’s website,

Additional sponsors include the Whitman County Gazette, Moscow-Pullman Daily News, Umpqua Bank and Whitman County Library.


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