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LaCrosse panel plans truck display along SR 26

An old farm truck that doesn’t run any longer and has no use for the farm may become one answer to draw more people into LaCrosse.

At a LaCrosse Marketing Committee meeting Monday afternoon, members discussed the truck project. They have a 1946 Chevrolet truck they’ve spoken for and are working on acquiring it for the project. The committee is part of the LaCrosse Community Pride project.

They also discussed where to place the truck once they acquire it. Ideally members want it next to State Route 26 between the two exits that have signs along the highway.

Members noted that Maple K Farms has an old truck along US 195 outside of Colfax and liked the idea of drawing travelers’ attention that way.

Items that might be displayed on the truck would be services available in LaCrosse, distance into town and special events such as Farmers’ Festival.

The committee also discussed painting the truck blue with black boards on each side of the bed. White lettering would be used on the board. They also discussed mounting an American flag between the cab and bed of the truck to attract attention.

John Ellis, committee chairman, said he also wants to see an old farm truck used in parades around the county to remind people about activities in LaCrosse.

The goal is to have the truck in place by WSU’s Dad’s Weekend in October with a sign on the truck welcoming the traveling parents.

The next LaCrosse Community Pride committee meeting is Sept. 3.


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