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Registration now open for beef short course

Registrations are now being accepted for the fifth WSU/UI Beef 300 Short-Course which will take place May 20-22 on the Pullman campus.

WSU/UI Beef 300 is a three-day intensive hands-on program designed for progressive individuals interested in expanding their knowledge of the beef industry.

The program is a comprehensive educational approach involving individuals from all segments of the beef industry from ranch to plate.

The program is a mix of lectures, presentations, demonstrations and group hands-on work.

Topics that will be covered include genetic influence, live cattle evaluation, beef harvesting procedures and innovations, carcass aging, grid pricing, beef carcass grading, tenderness/palatability evaluation, food safety and quality issues, beef carcass fabrication, live values, environmental factors relating to carcass merit, feeding for quality beef, carcass values, box beef values and discussion on other currently pertinent beef cattle issues.

The course will feature nationally and regionally recognized speakers. The featured speaker for the 2014 class will be Dr. John Unruh from Kansas State University.

Due to intensive hands-on nature of the program, registration is limited to 32 participants on first-paid, first-registered basis. The registration fee for each participant is $200. Registration deadline is May 6.

Registration forms are available on the WSU Central Animal Agriculture web page, under “Upcoming Events.”

For additional information contact Jan Busboom, WSU Meat Specialist, 509-335-2880.


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