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LaX Community Pride meets tonight

LaCrosse Community Pride will host “A Community Conversation” tonight (Thursday) from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the LaCrosse Market.

This is a follow-up from the Jan. 16 meeting when about 50 people discussed ways to get LaCrosse back on the map.

The Pride group invited Robin Ohlgren of the Southeast Washington Economic Development Association to conduct roundtable discussions about LaCrosse’s assets, improvements and additional economic development.

The “Strategies for Success: Building Upon a Great Start,” presentation was complete with historical photos.

Ohlgren asked the meeting participants to establish goals for the town, how to grow the economy in and around LaCrosse and broaden support.

A “needs” list included more volunteers, more inspired ideas and more contributions for work that’s been done and projects to complete.

Among LaCrosse’s attractions highlighted were the rock houses, the park and railroad. Ideas included an antique store, antique farm equipment display, quilt store and display, better signs on Highway 26 to get visitors into town, capitalizing on the town’s history by installing plaques noting the origin, developing a city website and walking paths including a path to Pampa Pond.

The agenda for this meeting includes a mission statement, establishing working groups and identifying goals.

Dessert and refreshments will be served.


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