Serving Whitman County since 1877

Coroner issues finding on death at Rock Lake

Whitman County coroner Peter Martin Friday issued a determination after an investigation of the death of Tiffiny Brennan, 44, St. John, on Rock Lake Road Saturday, Dec. 14. Martin said after a detailed investigation and a review of the investigation report from the Sheriff’s office he determined Mrs. Brennan died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Sheriff Brett Myers reported Dec. 19 his office had conducted an extensive investigation, but would wait until the coroner made a determination of his findings before concluding the case.

The sheriff said deputies responded to the scene at Rock Lake Road after getting the report at about 12:20 p.m. Dec. 14. Upon arrival at the scene deputies located the body of a deceased female, later identified as Mrs. Brennan, with what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the head. Initial findings and evidence suggested the wound was consistent with being self-inflicted, the sheriff said.

A memorial fund has been set up at the Lamont Bank of St. John in honor of Mrs. Brennan. All proceeds will benefit St. John local youth sports. Mrs Brennan was very active in youth sports with her children.


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