Serving Whitman County since 1877


Lives in danger

Colfax pedestrians beware! Your life is in danger.

It appears the pedestrians of Colfax have a bullseye on their backs. It does not matter if a person crosses Main Street in the crosswalk or the middle of the block, they are taking their life in their own hands.

I have had to stop in the middle of the street to keep from getting hit by drivers who disregard the law.

In the past two weeks I have been almost run over three times. First time was while in the crosswalk at Main and Upton. The female driver who was two blocks away when I started to cross actually smiled at me as she passed. I was the only moving object on Main Street.

Second time I crossed in the middle of the block from Top Notch to KNB’s and had to stop walking to keep from being hit.

Third time I was in the crosswalk going from Flowers & More to the Post Office. The driver in the outside lane stopped, I started to cross and had to stop because the driver on the inside lane did not. I yelled at the driver, and the driver of the stopped car was as surprised as I was when the driver did not stop.

What is it going to take before something other than talking at meetings will get done? How many residents of Colfax are going to be killed?

More action is needed by the law and less talking about it. Of course, it will cost money to make Colfax residents safer. But what is more important: Lincoln or a lost life.

Claudia Blocker,



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