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Colton high lists 17 all-A students

Seventeen Colton High School students topped the second semester honor roll be earning all-A grades. They were Grace Druffel, Meghan Heitstuman, Haley Moser, Taylor Nilson, Jake Riedner, Josh Straughan and Erin Weber seniors; Kaden Dahmen; Jordana Dahmen, Kaitlin Druffel, Payton Meyer, Samra Meyer and Paige Vincent; juniors Jenna Moser and Jacob Straughan sophomores; Savannah Chadwick and Winnie Schultheis freshmen

Also earning all-A grades were Zoe Moser, eighth grade; Brady Chadwick, Kendyl Druffel, Makenzie Druffel, Emma Schultheis, Peter Schultheis and Adelaide Willis, seventh graders.



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