Serving Whitman County since 1877

Swim tickets on sale at Colfax

Colfax swim pool admission tickets are now on sale at city hall. Individual season passes this year will be $48, up from $45 last year and family passes for up to four members will be $100, up from $95 last year. Single admission will be $3.50 up from $3 last year.

The pool will conduct four sessions of swim lessons with registration open the week prior to the lessons. Fee will be $20 per child. Youngsters must be over four years old and 42 inches or taller.

Lesson dates will be July 9-13, July 16-20, July 23-27, and July 9-Aug. 3.

A free swim day has been slated for Friday, the last day of school, but that opening will probably be scratched because of the return of cool weather this week.


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