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Colfax credit card policy in works

Colfax City Council is finalizing a written policy for the use of city credit cards by employees and town officials.

The city makes most of its purchases through a purchase order system, but cards are used for smaller purchases and for employees who take part in out-of-town meetings and training sessions.

Credit cards now are kept in the city vault and checked out to employees who need to make a trip or purchase.

Council members March 5 backed a present policy of maintaining three credit card accounts with a $5,000 spending limit on each. The council also discussed a procedure for employees to follow when checking out the cards. Employees at present check out cards with the city treasurer or other office personnel.

Police Chief Bill Hickman pointed out keeping individual accounts for the cards helps in tracking spending for city departments. At present the city has separate cards for the police department, fire department and two for spending out of the general fund. Having a specific account avoids having to review a long list of credit charge listings and break out the charges which apply to their departments, the chief pointed out.

City Attorney Bruce Ensley will prepare a final draft of the credit card policy for the next council session.


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