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Receive character awards


LaCrosse students in all grades had their Student of Character assembly January 11. The trait for December was “Integrity.”

Sandy Martin received the Attitude and Effort Award. She applied for a grant to help the school acquire an AED unit which is now located in the gym.

Also, the boys who helped add school spirit to the annual King of the Can canned food drive assembly received the Attitude and Effort Award. They were Blake Jones, Caleb Berquist, Terrell Webb, Austin Summers, Weston and Wayne Whinery, Nick Fleming, Weston Miller, Keith Zimmer, Taylor Martin and Lane Hannas.

The students gathered into groups, and each group listened to a paper written by the first victim in the Columbine massacre. They talked about her challenge to be a better person. Everyone is going to watch for random acts of kindness.

The school goal is to have our chain form a circumference around our school. Then each team member traced their hand print on paper and wrote words on their hand that they want to be remembered by, such as kind, truthful, loving.

Next character trait for January is gratitude. Everyone shared things for which they are thankful, such as family, friends, freedom and food.

Friday morning the k-6 graders assembled in the elementary reading room to receive their Integrity tokens.

Kindergarten - 100%: Julia Guske, Landen Miller, McKenzie Stanley, Matthew Thompson.

Mac I – 100%: Abree Aune, Alexander Binks, Tanner Fleming, Lillian McGregor, Alex Osorio, Austin Stanley, Edyn Roberts, Mackenzie Roberts, Wyatt Schwartz, Emily Wright

Mac II – 93%: Gunnar Aune, Zoe Bailey, Sydney Berquist, Dustin Broeckel, Matea Enzweiler, Trey Fleming, Ty Harder, MacKenna Hardy, Austin Jones, Genevieve McGregor, Angel Osorio, Lauren Stubbs.

Fifth Grade – 100%: Nicolas Candelario, Alynn Harder, Blake Jones, Hally Lindgren, Autumn Meyers, Logan Stanley.

Sixth Grade – 100%: Caleb Berquist, Felix Candelario, Leighton Dorman, Jadyn Guske, Braden Miller, Mashayla Miller-Morris, Tedra Sisk, Wayne Whinery.

Seventh Grade-100%: Kaleb Ellis, Abby McGregor, Terrell Webb.

Eighth Grade – 89%: Ashtyn Aune, Nick Fleming, Jessica Guske, Madison Harder, Austin Miller, Weston Miller, Weston Whinery, Keith Zimmer.

Freshman – 67%: Cole Evans, Lexi Hopkins, Jacob Johnson, Jason Wigen.

Sophomores – 90%: Graham BeDell, Brandon Bennett, Haley Dorman, Joey Guske, James Hopkins, Lindsey Miller, Riley Roberts, Darcy Stamper, Kadie Whinery.

Juniors – 70%: Alec Fleming, Lane Hannas, Chelsie Kneale, Anna Roberts, Shayla Sisk, Matt Stubbs, Austin Summers, Justin Wargo, Jed Zimmer.

Seniors – 100%: Jake Aune, Anne Fleming, Caleb Hannas, Taylor Martin, Brea Tackett.


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