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Rosalia names 2011 royalty to cap program, competition


—Mike Day photo. 2011 Miss Rosalia, Erin Brown, escorted by her father, Dan.

A “Singing in the Rain” theme welcomed all to the Miss Rosalia competition Sunday in the Rosalia gymnasium. The 2011 Miss Rosalia is Erin Brown.

Kristin Paulson was named first princess; Josie Daniels, second princess and Kelsey Lindhag, third princess.

The winner for ticket sales was Kristin Paulson. The Spirit of Miss Rosalia winner was Kelsey Lindhag. Poise and appearance winners were Kristin Paulson and Erin Brown. Erin also won the talent portion.

Mr. Rosalia Casey Brown, along with his court, Scott Eberl...


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