Serving Whitman County since 1877

TRIVIA TEST - FEb. 3, 2011

1. MUSIC: How many strings does a ukulele have?

2. MATH: What is the equivalent of the Roman numeral D?

3. RELIGION: Who is the patron saint of physicians?

4. LITERATURE: Who wrote the play “Timon of Athens”?

5. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What does the Geneva cross symbolize?

6. HISTORY: When did the Erie Canal open?

7. MEASUREMENTS: What does a lux measure?

8. LANGUAGE: What is the meaning of the Latin word “veto”?

9. MYTHOLOGY: Who is the Greek goddess of love?

10. U.S. STATES: What state’s nickname is the Pelican State?


1. Four

2. 500

3. St. Luke

4. Shakespeare

5. Neutrality

6. 1825

7. Light intensity

8. “I forbid”

9. Aphrodite

10. Louisiana

(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.


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