Serving Whitman County since 1877

Hospital highlights - Aug. 5, 2010

Best chance after heart attack

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in Whitman County. During a heart attack, time is an unforgiving foe. WHMC has partnered with MedStar Air Ambulance and Sacred Heart Medical Center to ensure our patients the best chance to survive and thrive. Fast diagnosis and stabilization are key to surviving a heart attack and minimizing damage.

Using our Level One Cardiac Care protocol we quickly and methodically provide the best and latest evidenced-based care. We ensure patients receive aspirin therapy and have a diagnostic EKG within 10 minutes. If indicated, we alert the Cardiac Catheter Lab at SHMC and arrange transport via MedStar. Through our telemedicine resources, the teams at MedStar and Sacred Heart can be in video and voice contact with our ER physicians to expedite treatment. As a patient is being transported, physicians and nurses are preparing for their arrival at the Cardiac Catheter Lab. Everyone’s goal is to be 100 percent ready upon patient arrival into the hands of the region’s top cardiac team.

If you experience the following symptoms call 911 or get to the WHMC emergency room as quickly as possible.

Chest Pain or discomfort

Pain moving down the left arm

Pain moving up to the left side of the jaw

Pain or discomfort in back or stomach


Nausea or throwing up

Shortness of breath



Heart disease also includes other conditions affecting the heart such as coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure and congenital heart disease. Keys to preventing heart disease include quitting smoking, lowering cholesterol, controlling high blood pressure, maintaining a healthy weight and exercising.

Several cardiologists provide services each week in the Three Forks specialty clinics on the WHMC campus.

David E. Womack, CEO

Whitman Hospital & Medical Center


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