Serving Whitman County since 1877

Duo will face charge of campus car smashing

Charges of malicious mischief in the second degree were filed July 1 against two Puyallup residents who were WSU students last November. Taylor W. Garvins, 22, and Wesley King, 18, were charged. King was also charged with possession of less than 40 grams of marijuana. WSU officers allege they found the marijuana during a search of King’s room at the Stephenson East residence hall.

The investigation report said officers received a report Nov. 12 that three males were breaking windows of cars parked in a lot between Forest Way and Chinook Drive on campus. A total of nine vehicles sustained broken windows in the lot, and many of those had more than one window broken.

The report said blood evidence was detected at the scene and bloodied clothing was located as part of the investigation. The suspects have been summoned to court July 30.


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