Serving Whitman County since 1877

Word on the street - July 1, 2010

“Eclipse,” the third in the series of Twilight vampire movies, opened yesterday. Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Karlie Thompson, Colfax

“Jacob, definitely.”

Why Jacob?

“Because he’s tan and shirtless all the time.”

Steve McSweeney, Colfax

“That’s the movie with the fake werewolves and vampires? I don’t know, I don’t want to know anything about it. If a movie’s got animation in it, I don’t go see it.”

Abby Muir, Colfax

“I’m kind of torn between the two. Jacob’s abs really get you, but Edward’s got a great personality. He’s really sweet. It’s a tough decision.”

Richard Lander, Colfax



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