Serving Whitman County since 1877

Word on the street - March 11, 2010

Washington state is going to begin taxing candy and bottled water to offset a $2.8 billion budget deficit. Is that going to affect your life much?

Becky Burke, Pullman

“I buy a lot of candy.”

Are you going to cut back?

“Probably not. I need candy to keep going.”

Joseph Perry, Colfax

“I think it’s a bunch of crap. There’s so much waste there, I don’t know why they have to tax the little things.”

So are you a big bottled water drinker?

“No, I drink pop. But they’re going to tax that like everything else we like.”

Mallory Crass, Pullman

“I drink those big Smart Water things. They’re going to tax...


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