Serving Whitman County since 1877

Articles from the February 20, 2020 edition

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  • Larry Schneider

    Feb 20, 2020

    Larry Schneider born June 3, 1948, died Feb. 12th, 2020, at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane, Washington. After graduation from St. John High School in 1967, he served two tours in the Air Force in Vietnam and Guam, earning his sergeant’s stripes, before returning to St. John where he worked along side his father on the family farm. Larry was preceded in death by his parents, Mildred and Robert Schneider, and brother, Robert Schneider Jr. He will be buried next to his parents in the St. John cemetery. Larry is survived by two sisters, Linda C... Full story

  • Library Calendar: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

    Thursday, Feb. 20 Malden – 9 a.m. – Homeschooling Group – Families can get together, share ideas and get to know each other. Colfax & Colton – Afterschool Fun – Please call or visit us online for details. Colfax – 12 p.m. – Local Economic Development & Census – Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies (CEDS) for our region will be explored by local officials and interested citizens and groups. Tekoa – 2 to 4 p.m. – Connecting Kids to Coverage – Marriman Health Clinic is educating people with children about Medicaid, applications, programs...

  • Good Old Days: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

    8 years ago The Commoner Feb. 22, 1895 The band has this week ordered an alto saxophone and expects shortly to purchase an Eb baritone saxophone. A fine F flute is expected to arrive soon. The boys are investing in new instruments and in new music as fast as the funds will permit, and expect before long to have a band without compare in this section of the country. It is Prof. Read's ambition to increase the number of pieces to twenty-four and a number of young men are at work gaining proficiency on the various instruments. The band as now...

  • Newspaper Fun: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

  • Trivia Test: February 20, 2020

    Fifi Rodriguez|Feb 20, 2020

    1. SCIENCE: What is dendrochronology? 2. FOOD & DRINK: What are the ingredients in a Tom Collins drink? 3. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Who is considered to be the father of nuclear Navy submarines? 4. LITERATURE: Who wrote the novel "Anne of Green Gables"? 5. AD SLOGANS: Which product is advertised as "the quicker picker-upper"? 6. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the shortest president in U.S. history? 7. HISTORY: Who was the oldest signer of the U.S. Declaration of Independence? 8. GEOGRAPHY: Which country lies on the eastern border of Ukraine? 9. MOVIES:...

  • Strange But True

    Samantha Weaver|Feb 20, 2020

    * It was American political scientist, economist, psychologist and professor Herbert Simon who made the following sage observation: "What information consumes is rather obvious: It consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it." * Those who study such things claim that the act of licking a stamp burns one-tenth of a calorie. * The shortest song in the world is "You Suffe...

  • King Crossword: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

  • King Crossword Answers: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

  • Hocus Focus: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

  • Magic Maze: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

  • Magic Maze Answer: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

  • Weekly Sudoku: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

  • Weekly Sudoku Answers: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

  • Legal Notices: February 20, 2020

    Feb 20, 2020

    ­­NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Whitman County Commissioners have set the date of Monday, March 2, 2020, at 10:30 a.m. in their Chambers, Courthouse, Colfax, Washington, to consider repealing, extending or modifying the moratorium placed on the establishment, location, operation, licensing or maintenance of facilities, businesses, or any other activities involving the production, processing, or wholesale or retail sale of recreational marijuana or marijuana- infused products. Any person may appear and be heard for or a...