Serving Whitman County since 1877

Stay at home

I am writing to implore you in your editorial work about the coronavirus outbreak to impress upon people in no uncertain terms that they must take this seriously.

We are going to be in a world of hurt anyway, but ignoring the Governor’s STAY AT HOME order is only going to make it worse – more deaths, including putting healthcare workers in more jeopardy than they already are by overwhelming the limited capacity we have to care for those needing hospital care. This needs to be made real to people!

Ignoring the Governor’s order to STAY HOME is only going to prolong the pain. Most of us can’t afford the economic hardship prolonging this outbreak will cause and it seems those who are choosing to take it lightly and refuse to be told what to do are the ones who will be hurt the most. This is gravely serious for all of us, even if we don’t get sick!!

In the last few days I have witnessed several groups of young people out and about, and multiple young families with kids playing together on playground equipment in Colfax not following the social distancing guidelines. This puts all of us in harm’s way.

Young people may feel that they might not get it or it won’t be serious, but as potential asymptomatic carriers, they risk killing their friends, siblings, parents and grandparents with their carelessness and bravado. The message has to get through, and in your position as journalists, you can help significantly if you don’t dance around this topic.

The only defense we have against this virus at this point is for EVERYONE to STAY HOME, WASH HANDS frequently, and if you do go out, KEEP 6 FEET AWAY from others. If we can do this successfully we might be able to get through this in 2 - 3 weeks. Not doing it will mean months of inconvenience and hardship.

Humans are the pathway for this contagion. If we keep people apart effectively, it will subside.

Ann Marra,



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