Serving Whitman County since 1877


Having served in the Washington State Legislature with both Cathy McMorris-Rogers and Lisa Brown for eight years, I would like to share some observations. First, they share many good qualities. They are both intelligent and articulate, they both listen well and are welcoming and respectful. They also share a deep sense of loyalty. That loyalty is what differentiates the two candidates.

Lisa is a loyal Democrat, and Cathy is a loyal Republican. I worked more closely with Cathy on issues important to eastern Washington. Some of those included: The designation of hydroelectric energy as clean energy. Preserving the Snake River dams. Protecting private water rights from state infringement. Limiting the ability of agencies to expand their rule-making authority. Balancing levy assessments between property rich and property poor school districts. Reducing the ability of college regents to raise tuition.

Cathy not only helped these policies, but was often a leader. Lisa's loyalty during this time was more slanted to the wishes of the governor and the agenda of western Washington Democrats.

If Lisa were to represent the rural portion of our congressional district, it would require a change of heart. I haven't heard that change from Lisa and would expect her loyalty to transfer to the national Democrat party platform. Cathy will continue to represent the values and policies she has consistently supported during her legislative career.

Like so many others, I am disgusted with the tone of this campaign. These candidates are not represented well by the party professionals who have taken over management of their campaigns. Clear choices exist but those choices should reflect what we know about past voting records and policies they have consistently supported.

--Don Cox, Colfax


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