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Frank Watson: The People Have Chosen

As the election approached, my anxiety level was as high as it has ever been.

I wondered where our country was going and if it would withstand a presidency of either candidate.

As I watched the results pour in on CBS news, I was somehow comforted that my anxiety was due to lack of confidence in the American people.

The first thing that struck me was the utter confusion of the CBS commentators.

“How could we have gotten it so wrong?” I have thought for some time now that the three long running network news programs should be registered as left wing lobbyist organizations.

Over the years they have morphed into public opinion peddlers who try to shape opinion in the guise of news.

The American people made up their own mind despite the experts at CBS. The only opinions that the national news shaped were those of the pollsters.

The American people want the news at six o’clock, not propaganda.

I was also left with the conclusion the results were not, despite what some commentators may say, anti-women. Our great nation is more than willing to accept a woman as president. Hillary is not, however, the right woman. I flew with some of the first women pilots in the Air Force. I found them highly qualified professionals. The Air Force screened the ranks of applicants and chose those who they knew would succeed. They were to be pioneers and paved the way for other women to follow. Hillary was too flawed to be a ground breaking role model. Half of the brightest and most qualified leaders in America are female. One of them will soon lead our nation. I hope to live to see the day.

We have had our first black president.

I wish he had been talented enough to pave the way for others to follow, but he wasn’t.

The election results were, in part, a rejection of Obama’s administration.

The people are tired of “in your face” politics.

Obama and Nancy Pelosi said many times that, “We won, so you don’t have a say.” They refused to compromise on anything.

Obamacare was pushed through with zero bipartisan support. It was Obama’s way or no way.

Any resistance to his position was deemed obstructionist.

The American people have declared that they have had enough political gridlock.

Our government is supposed to work.

I pray that the Trump administration remembers that 51 percent of the voters voted against him.

One of the commentators said, “We debate issues but elect a person.” I respectfully disagree.

I think the results were about issues.

When you cut away all the bluster, Trump’s position on illegal immigration, our negative balance of trade, the exportation of jobs, our increasing burden of debt, the sanctity of the constitution and our waning international influence was much more in line with the will of the people than was Hillary’s message.

I look forward to the new administration with much more optimism than I thought I would.

It was a bitter, brutal campaign.

We need to heal.

I thought Trump’s acceptance speech was a good start. I look forward to his promised reconciliation.

It would be a shame to squander the exceptional talent on either side of the aisle with pointless bickering.

(Frank Watson is a retired school teacher and long-time resident of St. John.)


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