Serving Whitman County since 1877

extra! pg. B4, Feb. 25, 2010

Witches practice for Gar/Pal comedy

Addy Hamilton, Becky Nelson, and Missy Johnson practice their roles as witches for “MacBeth,” a comedy about a high school boy and his infatuation with Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The opening performance will be Sunday, March 7, at 4 p.m. and final two performances will be March 11 and March 12, 7 p.m., all at the Garfield Middle School Theater in Garfield. Tickets will be available at the door. Adults are $6 and students are $4. Refreshments provided by the GarPal Performing Arts Boosters will be available. All proceeds go to the Garfield /Palouse High School drama program. Contact director Patti Green-Kent for more information or to purchase “will-call” tickets.

Authors donate books at Rosalia

Authors Bob Manion, Jean Flanigen, Sharon Cramer, Robert Pillbury and publisher Russ Davis donated signed copies of their new books to Whitman County Library at Rosalia. Librarian Theresa Lautenslager hosted a “Meet the Authors” session at the library Feb. 6. The authors read excerpts from their books. To support library services, each author donated signed copies of their books. All books are on display and available at the Rosalia Library.

Conservation Districts set for League session

Pullman League of Women Voters will host a program on conservation districts March 1 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Hecht Room at Neill Public Library. Mary Rosen, manager of the Palouse Conservation District and Kimberly Morse, coordinator of the Whitman Conservation District, will discuss programs, finances and organization of the districts.


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