Serving Whitman County since 1877

Rite set for Pastor Wiebe


The Rev. Lloyd Wiebe, pastor of the Country Bible Church from 1967 to 1974, died in a hospital in Victoria, B. C., last Saturday morning of heart failure. Services will be at 2 p.m. at the New Life Community Baptist Church in Duncan, B.C Saturday, Jan. 16.

The Rev. Wiebe is survived by his wife, Ruth, a son, Mark (Laurie), daughter Miriam, twin granddaughters and a grandson.

Eight members of the LaCrosse School board met Tuesday at the Parsonage for their annual workshop retreat.

Country Bible Church will conduct their annual meeting after morning worship services next Sunday, Jan. 24. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Sunday dinner guests of Art and Colene Sager were their son and family, Blake and Marcy Sager and children of Colfax, and Marcy’s sister, Joan Quillang of the Philippines. Joan will stay with her sister’s family for two weeks and then the two women will travel on to Arkansas for Joan’s wedding.


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